Mobile. Tablet. Desktop.
SerpWow returns accurate search results and ranking data from Google, Bing, Yahoo, Baidu, Yandex, Naver, Amazon or Ebay in desktop, mobile or tablet page layouts.
Desktop Search API
For Google, Bing, Yahoo, Baidu, Yandex, Naver, Amazon & Ebay.
SerpWow scrapes and parses more content from desktop Google, Bing, Yahoo, Baidu, Yandex, Naver, Amazon & Ebay SERP pages than any comparable service. With SerpWow’s advanced page layout parsing you get the industry’s most reliable SERP API with accurate data despite differing search result page layouts.

Mobile Search API
For Google and Bing
Mobile results parsing is an essential requirement and SerpWow doesn’t disappoint. Every element of the mobile search results page is parsed with SerpWow, abstracting away the complexities of differing mobile page layouts to present clean consistent JSON output to your app.
Tablet Search API
For Google and Bing
Use SerpWow to return results exactly as they would be presented to an end-user on a tablet device. Easily compare ranking/results differences between desktop, mobile and tablet SERP pages.

Getting started is easy
Getting search result data from desktop, mobile and tablet devices is easy – just change the device_type parameter in your Search API request. Check out the API Playground where you can run demo requests to learn the API.
Device Type FAQ
What browsers does SerpWow use when getting results?
SerpWow renders pages in an in-memory browser (executing all page-level Javascript just as a “real” browser would). This means the results you see via SerpWow are exactly what a real user would see when they browse Google, Bing, Yahoo, Baidu, Yandex or Naver on a desktop, mobile or tablet device. SerpWow uses Safari for mobile and tablet rendering and Chrome for desktop rendering.
Are all fields available on all device types?
Search engines display the most information in desktop mode, so we recommend desktop for most situations unless you specifically need mobile or tablet SERP results. See the Search API results docs for complete details on what pages are parsed per device and per search engine.
How are different devices charged?
Each request to the SerpWow Search API will decrement your monthly search quota by 1, regardless of the device type chosen (i.e. mobile and tablet requests are charged just the same as desktop requests).
Try SerpWow for Free
Unlock serp data from all major search engines, including Bing Search, Google, Baidu, and more. Try for free, and when you’re ready choose a plan that is right for you.
Get Started with Serpwow