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Category Archives: Data

Data, eCommerce, SERP

Search and eCommerce APIs: The Smarter Way to Shop Data for Marketers

In today’s world, marketers need access to reliable, up-to-date data for their campaigns and strategies in order to remain competitive. Traditional methods of accessing data, such as subscription platforms, can take time and effort. There is a more innovative way...


Quit Building Your Own APIs: Leverage API Products

Building and maintaining your own API requires a lot of time and expertise. Unless you have a very specific use case in which you need special features and functionality, chances are you can find an already available API to meet...

Ready to See What Traject Data Can Help You Do?

We’re your premier partner in web scraping for eCommerce and SERP data. Get started with one of our APIs for free and see the data possibilities that you can start to collect.